With more than a decade of experience servicing Apple computers MacMaintenance Computer Services is the easiest way to get back on track. From small problems to the gigantic, we can either fix or advise you on your best course of action. Setting up a network? We can help. Erased your Photos library? Turn off your computer and give us a call! Can’t access the internet? Wondering if that old Macbook Pro is worth fixing or should you just buy a new one?
Life has become impossible now without a properly functioning computer. You would never drive your car with a flat tyre, why risk your work and all your digital memories to a poorly maintained machine?
is your mac not behaving as it should?
Mac computer repairs and troubleshooting
OS updates
Network setup
Independent purchasing advice
On-site; we come to you
$120 per hour for on-site assistance
Surfcoast Shire
Remote service now available
Hard Drive/Solid State Drive Replacement
LCD Replacement
Liquid Damage
Data Recovery
Fan replacement